Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Waiting & Waiting & Waiting & ..... TWINKIES

I'm unreasonably excited for Drake to get home from school.  Terran is too...we've been counting the minutes.  Only 5ish more to go!  So...what were we doing in the meantime?  Baking of course!
I know they aren't beautiful....but trust me....they are AWESOME!  They are............Homemade Twinkies!
I won't give your the recipe though, because I didn't come up with it.  But you can get it yourself at:  loveveggiesandyoga.com  
I followed it pretty much exactly.  Except I didn't have her nifty pan.  And I used Plain yogurt.   And hers were much prettier. 

Anyhow, I definitely recommend them to you! 

And as an added bonus:  A totally kid-friendly baking project!  Both boys loved helping put the marshmellows on, there wasn't much to make a mess with, only dirtied one bowl and the pan and they are done in about 30 min or so (start to finish)!  TADAAAA!

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