Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The cost of personal freedom?

"what is the most you will pay for your beliefs? What cost is too high? ...if this were a question of religion then anything short of people dying for my belief would be acceptable. But it is not a question of religion, its a question of personal freedom."

That was something my brother asked via facebook.  So this is kind of a loaded question for me and sparked a personal rant....which no one was really around to hear....so I'm posting it in cyberspace so that even if no one ever actually 'hears' it, at least everyone has the chance to view my opinion!  HAHAHA....all part of my evil plot....not really....but still.....

So...if it isn't a matter of religion then I have to define "personal freedom".  In my unprofessional and unsolicited opinion, I would say that 'personal freedom' is a state of being.  A way of life completely defined on an individual level.  Vague?  Yes....that was the point.  Personal freedom starts in the heart and mind of an individual.  Anyone can be 'free'.  Anytime.  Anywhere.  And no one can breach that.  Period.

So what will I pay for that freedom?  What cost is too high?  There is no cost too high, the cost is defined by me.  I set the cost of my personal freedom and pay it gladly.  I choose to sacrifice my unhappiness that I may give myself the freedom to be happy.  I choose to give up feeling sorry for myself, that I can feel happy for others.  I choose to let go of my vanity, so that I can be free to truly appreciate the beauty that surrounds me. 

Of course, he could have been asking on a more political level.  That is a seperate issue to me, but I believe even there that it is a matter of individual attitude.  I will fight for my political personal freedom.  BUT I am not naturally a fighter.  I'm not going to grab the nearest kitchen knife and head off to 'war'.  It would do more harm than good.  But I believe that voting, is a type of warfare.  Teaching my children to do what is right and good no matter what...is a type of warfare.  SPEAKING MY MIND is a type of warfare.   I can and will fight to the bitter end for my personal beliefs if I have to.  I will also ALWAYS 'fight' on my own terms and therefore gain my personal freedom in every battle. 


1 comment:

  1. they are making me go to wlc again... they aren't giving me a choice. of course, I HAVE a choice, lol. But it comes with consequences. so I am angry, and am deciding if I'm willing to pay the price.
