Sunday, January 8, 2012

Family Dinner

    Family dinners are supposed to help bond a family together, prevent kids from turning into troubled teenagers or drug users, and all manner of other things that I cant think of right at the moment.  So why is it that most nights that the family is together for dinner, I always feel so empty afterward? It's like that "empty house" feeling you get when company leaves after a weekend (or longer) visit.  When you are left with suddenly a quiet house and a ton of housework to catch up on.  Thats how I feel every night after dinner is over. 
    I know my job as a wife and mother is relatively thankless and all that.  I get it and accept it.  And actually most nights someone will generally at least say a "thank you" or "this is yummy".  Terran often gives me tons of accolades "you make the bestest meals" or "you're a great chef mommy" (to which my husband is quick to correct because i am NOT a 'chef' but a 'cook').  So I guess I'm not without my share of "thanks".  
    But I am left, last at the table, staring at empty plates, and wondering why I feel at such a loss.  Maybe I should start an after-dinner-activity?  Games? Dessert?  A family movie time?  Sigh....I just don't know.
   And that is ENOUGH of my whining and moaning for one night!  Actually, I made spaghetti from scratch tonight and it was really very good (I thought anyhow) considering I was totally winging it.  It was a little spicy, but yummy and everyone ate it so that was what counted.  I should really have wrote down the recipe but c'est la vie.  It went something like:

1 1/2 lb. ground beef
1 onion
2 cloves garlic
2 14.5 oz cans diced tomatoes
1 10 oz. can diced tomatoes w/ green chiles
1 6 oz. can tomato paste
1 sm. can (idk how many oz) tomatoe sauce
2 c. beef broth
about 2 c. chopped veggies (i used the leftover veggies from last night that had carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower)
salt, pepper, red pepper flakes, rosemary, oregano, and italian seasoning (i just shook them out of the jars till it tasted good....thats my exact scientific measurement for the day :)  It was probably about a TB of the italian seasoning, oregano, & salt; maybe 1/2 TB of pepper flakes and pepper and just a little bit of the rosemary?) 

  Brown hamburger, adding garlic and onion 1/2 way through the browning process.  Then add everything else.  Bring to low boil, stirring frequently.  Turn heat to low.  Cover and simmer about 30 min.  Serve over spaghetti noodles.....of course!

*This made a TON of sauce.  Plenty for a few dinners and I will be freezing the leftovers for future use :) .

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