Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Some Randomness for You

  I don't know what the rest of the country /is doing weather wise...but its snowing here.  Not a huge surprise really- and I'm not really complaining- but we have had an exceptionally mild winter this year.  Our temps have been in the 40s and 50s with little to no moisture for weeks!  But its cold and windy and snowing like crazy now.....which makes it perfect weather to stay at home and bake and clean!

First, let me share a little thing I spotted on my facebook page with you:  "Twinkies are going bankrupt"  check it out: http://blog.fooducate.com/2012/01/10/twinkies-are-going-bankrupt
The author is obviously a happy healthfood nut....but I'm a little sad.  Its not like I keep a stash or anything, but the world does seem a little sadder because of the potential lack of twinkies.  Maybe I should buy some?  Or better yet...learn to make them myself?

So, back to the baking thing..... I made bread this morning (a necessary task) and it went poorly :(.  I let the dough over rise which then of course caused it to fall.  Then I was in an impatient sort of mood so I didn't let it cool long enough before cutting into the first loaf.  :P The result?  Many, many crumbly, tiny, dense, chunks of bread.  Bread pudding anyone?  (That is my next venture of the day)
Then, I finished my "oreo" cookies from the other day.  But of course I didn't have vegetable shortening, so I subbed with olive oil.  The cookies were yummy, but the filling.....not the most awesome. 
And now I'm working on the diy version of "do-si-dos".  I took pics of those....but they aren't done yet so I'll let you know when they are done how they turned out...and then I'll post some pics.  :) 

Also, I spent some time cleaning.  But I'm having some weird trouble with my right knee and my husband caught me stumble once and ordered me to sit down for a bit.  So my 5 year old got up and finished picking up the living room for me.  "There Mommy, now you don't ever have to clean the living room ever ever again cuz I will do it for you.  That way you can rest your knee so it won't hurt anymore."  (and I got a hug as a bonus!)  It was one of those awesome mommy moments that I wish I could stick in a box and save forever!  So Sweet!

So that pretty much rounds out my randomness for today!  Happy Tuesday!

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